
The Impact of Psychosis

Image above: a praying mantis that appeared right near the handle of the back door to the mental health facility that I stayed in during part of 2017. It was past midnight and I had just stepped out to have a cigarette alone in the night, or at least I thought. The Carl Jung quote is there because I love his theories and ideas, particularly about synchronicity and the concept of meaningful coincidence. -------------------- What does it mean to be in psychosis? Usually it’s a combination of things that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) would call “delusions”, “ideas [...]

By |2022-05-13T11:35:50+10:00May 13th, 2022|Psychosis, Recovery, Treatment|0 Comments

Random Pieces of Mind

I drew the image above during an art therapy class. The theme was "Me as a Tree". There had been some serious bushfires in Victoria during 2019/2020, and Covid-19 had not quite hit the headlines. This is a post sharing some of the stuff I've created over the years. I really think that having some sort of healthy outlet is a great way of working towards recovery and I guess this is all a part of mine. I'm okay "As the sun comes up for each new day, I remind myself that I'm okay". [...]

By |2022-04-05T10:59:25+10:00March 14th, 2022|Psychosis, Recovery, Spirituality|0 Comments

What is it like to be in ‘psychosis’?

As I thought of updating this page after nearly a year has passed, I went to retrieve my laptop and as I stood up, a small feather floated to the ground in front of me. If that isn't synchronicity, then I don't know what is. I can think of a few choice words to describe what is medically known as a “psychotic state”. So I’ll skip those and use one: FRIGHTENING. There are also words like “dreamlike”, “surreal” and “euphoric” that go some way to describe it, however, these alone don’t really cut it. Frightening I thought I was going [...]

By |2021-02-14T08:27:30+10:00February 11th, 2021|Psychosis|0 Comments

Psych Wards: Episode One

I was 21 years old, 25 years ago when this photo was taken. It was a selfie (back before that was even a thing and digital photography) that I took whilst in the recovery process of a psychotic episode in 1994. I think at this point I had stopped taking the meds (Stellazine and/or Melaril) which were pretty heavy duty at the time but rarely get used now. First generation antipsychotics. I had spent 6-weeks in a psych ward and got out perhaps a couple of weeks prior. I think I look and know I felt very lost at the [...]

By |2021-02-12T08:30:18+10:00July 12th, 2020|Psychosis|2 Comments
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