The following sites and resources provide interesting reading as well as some “alternative” perspectives on schizophrenia, psychosis and spiritual emergence.

Contemporary Shaman

This blog speaks to me. Odette Nightsky is a skilled, intuitive, self-proclaimed shaman woman with extensive knowledge of different ways to view psychic happenings. See also: Further Reading for a book recommendation from this author.


The International Spiritual Emergence Network (ISEN)

ISEN is a collaboration of not-for-profit support networks from around the world. Each network is run by volunteers and offers information and referrals at no cost to those experiencing or affected by Spiritual Emergency.

This site is a useful resource if you are looking for an alternative approach practitioner or source of support in the case of ‘spiritual emergence’. Psychosis and spiritual emergence go hand-in-hand and can oftentimes be mistaken for one another.

See also: Further Reading, ‘In Case of Spiritual Emergency’ book.

Voices Vic website

Voices Vic

Voices Vic is an award winning and research supported specialist program improving the wellbeing and recovery of people who hear voices. Led by peers with lived experience, Voices Vic provides dynamic recovery groups and one-on-one support and facilitates training across Australia for organisations and individuals who work with voice hearers.

Anyone who hears voices or is a family member, friend, support worker, carer or clinician can contact our peer led trained and experienced team.

Brainblogger website


This site is an interesting resource, providing articles and research related to psychiatry and psychology (as well as neuroscience and neurology). The article that first drew my attention to this site is Psychosis – A Dreamlike State of Mind, which demonstrates research into the idea that the psychosis experience is like being in a dream. Whether we are “lucid” in that state or not depends on our level of awareness or “insight”.

The site has numerous contributors and authors with many interesting perspectives on mental health and the latest research.